My heart was already struggling to stay at home before last week's busyness. I have been recognizing my need to re-focus, turn my heart towards home and children. This can be such a struggle for me. It can be so easy to just keep going with the flow of busyness and distractions. I sense the emptiness and the heaviness in my heart each night when I realize, once again, I have done what I wanted to do instead of what He wants me to do.
It's not that I don't get to do what I want or enjoy, it is where my heart is that matters. When my heart is in the right place, it's funny, I usually get to do all those "things" too!
As I cry out to Him saying, "O Lord, turn my heart back towards these children." I hear Him whisper,
"Where your treasure is there your heart will be also"
I am reminded once again that what I make my treasure, there my heart will be! If I make my treasure the things such as my plans, to-do lists, blogging, 'ministering', ect., that is where my heart always goes.
(It bugs me how quickly it just goes, too! Come on, have some backbone! ;-)
"The heart follows the treasure...the sunflower follows the sun. Where the treasure is there the value and esteem are, there the love and affection are...our joys and delights will be and there our thoughts." (Matthew Henry Commentary)
So how am I going to make "home" and my children my treasure?
- Purpose to focus on them
- Cut out the distractions that pull my heart away (like computer, my to-do list, my natural ability to go with the flow of busyness)
- Choose! Make a choice of the will to physically turn my heart, my eyes, myself towards them
- Stop! Stop the continuing on as normal and focus on being a Mama
- Don't ignore the opportunities to do my job! Train, love, disciple, tie heart strings, ect.
- Stop running! Be the grown-up here, show some self-discipline!
"You could easily fill your day with frivolous or selfish pursuits. Guard your time and energy...determine in your heart to respond immediately to every prompting of the Holy Spirit!" ( Frances Roberts)
Let's be that Titus 2 woman who is sober of mind (temperate, disciplined) and who loves her husband and her children, and be self-controlled, chaste, homemakers. . . that the word of God may not be blasphemed or discredited. (Titus 2:4-5)
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me! (Phil. 4:13)
"...guard your time and energy." That seems to sum it up for me. If I do that, my heart will be in the right place.
Thanks again for hostessing this wonderful party.
That's right! Thank you for a great week. Now it is time to apply what we have written and focus homeward and heavenward. Willing to be used of God inside the home He has placed us. Nothing is out of His sight. I am learning that, yet again, that every event no matter how big or small, has a purpose and will teach us if we let it.
Thank you for all you are doing to encourage mama's like me. God is using your willingness to minister to edify and uplift those that are struggling.
Yes, sober...temperate. For me: complaining less. God is good. Such a lovely blog party.
This was an Excellent Post! There are defintely many distractions that take our hearts away from our children, and our husbands, and our homes, and our Lord. The computer is definitely one of those! May we be Wise and demonstrate Discretion!!
I am SO GRATEFUL for this post! I've been struggling, too, with the question of "HOW?" How do I love these children? How do I be to them all that God would have me be. God's words to you have spoken to my heart as well. "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Thank you for this.
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