Making the headlines today. . . . .
the shooting of a pastor in a church . . . . . . . .
The surveys says. . . . . .
the number of Christians in this country are dropping . . . . . .
countless other stories of bad news and evil in this generation.
My first thought is 'how many Christians are choosing to limit the amount of children they have?' Certainly people are walking away from their faith, but how many less children are born to God fearing, bible believing families because Christians have bought into the world's view of children? How many Christians have no vision for the raising of the next generation? How many do not even know that the reason God made them 'one' is because He was seeking Godly seed? (Mal. 2:15)
I think of the unfaithful kings of Israel or Judah 'who did evil in the sight of the Lord' and the resulting calamities to the future generations.
I am reminded of a hymn my son shared with me yesterday called,
"Have I Done My Best for Jesus?"
I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,
Who died upon the cruel tree?
To think of His great sacrifice at Calv'ry!
I know my Lord expects the best from me.
How many are the lost that I have lifted?
How many are the chained I've helped to free?
I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,
When He has done so much for me?
The hours that I have wasted are so many,
The hours I've spent for Christ so few;
Because of all my lack of love for Jesus,
I wonder if His heart is breaking too.
Am I giving my all to my purpose here on earth?
Do I really realize the magnitude of what I am doing?
Do I realize that by giving my life to raise up a generation of children who follow the faith of their father is what is going to shape this world?
Do I realize that each child I willingly accept from the Lord has the potential to turn the tide of the 'declining number' of Christians in our country? In the world, for that matter?
Do I realize that what I choose to do with my time each day and every moment impacts eternity?
The following verses float into my mind:
Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people),
Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is. (Eph. 5:15-17)
Sorry to be so heavy, I am just sharing what was on my heart and mind today. This is in no way an attempt to pass judgement on those who have no children, a few children or many children! Please don't let that trip you up. We all have a calling on our lives, we all need to be reminded of the brevity and gravity of our roles! I was encouraged this morning as I pondered all of these thoughts and have had my resolve strengthened and my hope renewed. I cry out to the Lord asking, 'teach me to number my days, O Lord'. Give me great wisdom and teach me to make the most of EVERY opportunity, to live purposefully!
God Bless you. Mamas, may He give you strength and wisdom to fulfill His grand purpose for your life and your children's and your children's children. . .to a thousand generations!
WOW! Again said so beautifully. Thank you for the wonderful thoughts.
I liked it as well. It is nice to have the encourgement.
I enjoy your blog so much that I have added it to my "Great Places to Visit" link. Have a great day.
Excellent stuff, girl. So very true and dear to my heart ;-)
And I often have to remind myself amidst the busyness of the day..."STOP...and remember, it's bigger than the daily grind."
We ARE involved in a work that takes the full attention of our hearts, souls and minds.
We need to be constantly reminded, so thank you for the reminding.
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