Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord
with all your heart and mind
and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him,
and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
reverently fear and worship the Lord
and turn [entirely] away from evil.
Proverbs 3:5-7
TRUST in the Lord with all my heart and mind. . .
The topic of trusting God is such a broad topic.
Just for today it is speaking to me about trusting Him
with all the details, big and small in my life.
Can I just stop the fretting and continually cast my burdens on Him and then just TRUST?
Trust Him to order my steps.
Trust Him to give wisdom.
Trust Him to hear my cries.
Trust Him to hold me up.
Trust Him with whether my bread turns out or not.
Trust Him when my day is not going at all like I had planned.
Just for today it is speaking to me about trusting Him
with all the details, big and small in my life.
Can I just stop the fretting and continually cast my burdens on Him and then just TRUST?
Trust Him to order my steps.
Trust Him to give wisdom.
Trust Him to hear my cries.
Trust Him to hold me up.
Trust Him with whether my bread turns out or not.
Trust Him when my day is not going at all like I had planned.
Do not rely on my own understanding. . .
Isn't that what I am doing when I am trying to figure it all out?
In ALL of my ways acknowledge Him. . .
not just the big issues of life, but ALL my ways!
Do you wonder if you should bother God with the little details of your life?
Do you know He even wants you to acknowledge Him in things like. . .
Should I use cloth or disposable?
What should I make for dinner?
How should I best feed my family?
How can I make our money go further?
Which curriculum will I really use? ;-)
As you prayerfully search your heart, what areas do you rely on your own understanding?
Which areas do you struggle to trust Him with?
Which areas do you not even acknowledge Him?
I have been reading and enjoying your series on trust. It is definitely an area I struggle with. I wrote my own post in the form of a letter to Jesus. You can read it at Daughter of the King:
http://www.hisdaughter02.blogspot.com. I also included a link at the end back here to your blog.
Thanks and God Bless!
I would just like to offer a hearty amen dear Michelle. Right on the same page with you....
Trusting Him with all things,..and everything,....not just the BIG things,...but all of the little things,...like a child or an infant trusts it's momma or daddy.
Thanks Michelle,....I want to Trust Him more.
"Oh for grace to trust Him more!"
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
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