Elizabeth from busymomof10 very sweetly awarded me the Sisterhood Award. Thank you Elizabeth!
This award is to be given to those who display great attitude or gratitude in their blog. I am blessed and thankful to have been awarded this by Elizabeth!
Here are the rules for accepting this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs who you feel are worthy of this award by displaying great attitude or gratitude in their blog! (Naming 10 is a lot! I'm just going to select 5 blogs, which is also what Elizabeth did.)
3. Be sure to link to the blogs you nominate within this post.
4. Let your nominees know about the award by commenting on their blog.
5. Link back to the person who gave you this award.
Here are the rules for accepting this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs who you feel are worthy of this award by displaying great attitude or gratitude in their blog! (Naming 10 is a lot! I'm just going to select 5 blogs, which is also what Elizabeth did.)
3. Be sure to link to the blogs you nominate within this post.
4. Let your nominees know about the award by commenting on their blog.
5. Link back to the person who gave you this award.
Ladies, you know as well as I that there are an almost endless amount of wonderful blogs out there, we are so blessed. I hope you take the time to go visit these women, they have blessed me and encouraged me. I am certain they will do the same for you.
Here are the blogs I nominate for the Sisterhood Award.
Here are the blogs I nominate for the Sisterhood Award.
Rina from Into Still Waters ( I just love her heart and her wonderful encouraging posts!)
Mrs. Parunak from Pursing Titus 2 (very encouraging and convicting posts)
Connie from Reaching Up and Out (Ladies, this woman is a breath of fresh air! So sweet and encouraging)
Joy from The Stay-at-Home Missionary ( a very sweet and tender woman willing to share her heart openly)
A new friend from Simple Beauty ( I could tell the first time I 'met' her she has such a tender spirit and I loved her right away!)
So glad you selected Joy from SAHMissionary. After I posted, I wished I had selected her too. She has such a sweet spirit and a precious blog!
Thank you for your kind words. You certainly encourage a lot of women and keep reaching out to others. May God bless you for your thoughtfulness.
I came here from reading Elizabeth's blog and had a little giggle to myself. Elizabeth also nominated me for the Sisterhood Award and two of the blogs I chose (out of a total of 5) you also chose! Congrats on the award. Blessings, Jules
How can I thank you? I'm so incredibly honored that you would include me with these other wonderful ladies. Sometimes we meet someone, and read their blog, and think "wow, I wish I could write like her" or "wow, I wish I could touch people the way she does" and then to find out that one of those people feels the same way about YOU that you feel about THEM is just amazing. Thank you for the award and for your wonderful site as well. I've only just begun to scratch the surface of everything that is written here, but your blog touches my heart and I feel so privileged and blessed to know you.
Thank you so much for passing this award on to me. You made my day. Sorry I didn't get this posted right away, I've been under the weather. I feel much better today! Have a wonderful weekend. God Bless You!!
Thank you SO MUCH for this wonderful encouragement! I'm sorry I couldn't get over here to comment sooner after you left your comment on my blog, but I really want you to know that I'm very honored to have been included in your list.
Mrs. Parunak
Pursuing Titus 2
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