Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do You Know?

My Child,

I am pleased with you. I love you. Yes, I see the darkness inside your heart. Of course, I see the weakness, the sin. But, I do not recoil in shock or disgust. Lift up your head and you will see my arms of love ready to receive and embrace, and a heart ready to forgive.

I shine My light on your heart not so I can see, but so that you can. Not to shame or condemn, but to give you opportunity to choose Me. To choose Light. To choose Love. Lift up your head and choose Me.

Ladies, do you know of Your heavenly Father's love and pleasure towards you? Do you know He smiles and rejoices over you? He sings over you! Do you often feel beaten down when He gives you a glimpse of your heart? I assure you, it is not His voice you are hearing if you feel this way. He is love. He longs to be gracious and merciful. He loves to restore, and He never condemns.

The Lord has been doing some major cleansing and purifying of my heart and I can assure you just one short year ago I would have been buried in condemnation. I had listened to a spirit of accusation for so many years I thought it was me! Now I welcome His light. I love when I read another thing in the Word that shows me where I am not obeying. I love Him and want to obey Him with all my heart. I want to know where I am missing the mark. I don't feel condemned. I agree with Him humbly and repent and ask Him to help me be more like Him. That's it. No days of wallowing in guilt and shame. Guilt and shame are from our enemy! I know His heart towards me (though I seek even deeper revelations of His love towards me) I know He loves me. I now recognize the voice of the enemy who comes in to accuse and brings guilt and shame.


cooperkelly4 said...

why is it so easy to hear "the negative bad stuff" than to choose to believe what God's word says about us each.and.every.single day. Right there with you changing and agreeing!

Rivers of Water said...

"I love when I read another thing in the Word that shows me where I am not obeying. I love Him and want to obey Him with all my heart. I want to know where I am missing the mark. I don't feel condemned. I agree with Him humbly and repent and ask Him to help me be more like Him. "

I love your comment here... this is exactly the way I feel as well...i enjoy, thirst after, seeking his word...My heart desires to continuously seek him to obey his words his guidance to hear him and respond....

I am going out on a limb here...but I think it might be the same as myself....when you have been doing things all day long and you have a chance to sit down and your thoughts always turn to him...or most of the time....

I know He is always close by throughout the day as I go about my needed to-do list, I keep him close by, but even when I have time to rest, I am thinking about Him, not about what might be on TV or other worldly just always seems to go back to refueling time I suppose... anyhow, enough rambling...

Have a blessed day!!

Natalie said...

Yes and Amein. I love you.

Michelle (She Looketh Well) said...

yes, Melissa, I think we have much in common ;-)