Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
This past week of seeking to find rest for my soul. (Part one, two, three, four, five and six) the Lord has done some major heart surgery.
I plan to take the week off from blogging in order to recover. ;-) I do, however plan to check the comments and respond where appropriate. So if you have a special need or prayer request, please let me know. I also want to quiet myself and our family as we prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord.
I came across a week long devotional for families that we plan to do this week, as well as just slow down, be reflective, prayerful and even 'fasting' from the world as best we can.
I hope to be able to formulate all the Lord has done in my heart, but as of right now I cannot seem to think about it without crying. I am so humbled, once again, by His mercy and love towards me.
A few things His gentle scalpel found were, the fact that nothing ever seems to be 'good enough' for me, what if I see my children hearts the way He sees mine, and have I made a 'god' out of this 'desire' I hold so tightly.
Okay, see, can't do it without crying. Three separate, huge, distinct and humbling revelations. I think that is pretty major, don't you?
Please pray for me as I 'recover' from His gentle, yet extensive heart surgery. It feels so big to me. I just don't want to go on with 'life as usual' and not bask in His forgiveness, love and grace.
I pray you have a lovely, grace filled week. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Let Him love through you. Serve and love Him by serving and loving those precious souls in your lives!
Hi Michelle,
It's good to take some quiet time.
Thanks for you nice comment. My daughter (soon-to-be 18 yo) made my header. She loves doing that kind of thing.
Have a blessed week,
God bless you. Isn't it amazing what God does in our lives? But, yes, sometime we need a time of recovery.
Michelle, sounds like God is making Easter very special for you this year.
May He continue to hold you close.
Michelle, Since I have been blogging I find it takes up a lot of my time,...and especially when I start going from this site to that site and reading everyone's blog posts and leaving my comments. I feel convicted when my husband checks in and says,..."Oh, you're STILL on the computer?" If I think he is wanting my attention I stop right then and go spend time with him,..but if he says, "no, that's ok, I was just checking on ya to see what you were up to",...then I might keep doing it. But at any rate, I think sometimes I spend too much time on this silly computer.
And I don't spend time on it everyday,...just once or twice a week. I do think it can be a time waster and can take personal time away from spouses, family and friendships.
I think God would want us to examine our hearts and see if we are putting it above Him too.
So, your blog post and your decision to take a break from the computer for awhile really hit me too. I haven't been on for 4 days now.
I just wanted to say thanks for your post, and I hope that you and yours will have a very blessed Easter.
Our wonderful Lord gave us His all! We need to use our time wisely and serve Him with our whole heart huh? (:>)
Love you my sister in Christ!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
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