Monday, January 24, 2011

Making Thankfulness a Habit

Is it not ridiculous the many things we have to be thankful for in our everyday lives if we just take the time to slow down, to notice, to count?

I have found a way to keep up my ‘Thankful List” everyday, finally. I have tried leaving my beautiful Gratitude Journal out on the counter to record throughout the day. That didn’t work, as that counter NEVER stays cleared off. (I am thankful for that counter though Winking smile)

I have tried to keep a little notebook with my scripture memory booklet, but for some reason that didn’t work either.

I keep my ‘planner’ (which I hope to show you soon) with me all throughout the day. I have placed a dated, lined paper behind my daily ‘to-do’ list so I can easily fill it in as I notice things. I also put “Thankful List” on the very top of my daily to-do list every day, in HUGE print. This seems to be working. I am practicing every day, it will become a habit. I will ‘relentlessly pursue’ thanksgiving, by His grace.

What have you found that works to make recording your ‘blessings’ a habit? Daily.

I am thankful for:


  • after much patience and diligence, Luke gets a truck
  • “I wuv you Mimi”
  • working with ‘kitchen helpers’
  • Belly and Josiah, best friends
  • crying out and being delivered
  • tears
  • a clean toilet!
  • Brian finding me searching the file cabinet
  • laughter with the man I love
  • BEAUTIFUL snowflakesP1040693

(click on picture to enlarge and see beauty)

  • I get to do school
  • REPENTANCE, and refreshing
  • more unraveling of my heart
  • scheduled prayer time, daily
  • a ridiculously sweet note from Brian

My Beloved,

I just wanted to thank you for being my bride and the mother to our children. I am so thankful for how much and how you love me. I already thought you were the best Mama in the world, but I am extremely thankful for how God is turning your heart towards our children in a greater way. I am thankful for how you challenge and encourage me in this area as well as many others. I LOVE and am thankful for you passion for the things you believe in, like, or dislike. I am thankful for the helpmate you are and how you fit around me. I am thankful for the unity of life and purpose that God has blessed us with. I love you Michelle!

May God bless you this day and eonian!


Your adoring husband

  • Lattes and oatmeal
  • overnight with Brian
  • time with my Maker

bible stuff

  • conviction, repentance and deliverance
  • quiet, all day
  • worship, dancing
  • learning contentment
  • bright moon, sparkly diamonds on the snow
  • warm, cozy bed—sweet sleep
  • frosty trees, glistening snow


Anonymous said...

Have a blessed week! {{{Ruth}}}

Mrs. Stam said...

wonderful blessing list, and wow those snowflakes are GORGEOUS!

busymomof10 said...

Beautiful post!

Loved your list and yoour love letter!

I am eagerly awaiting my One thousand gifts . . .

awesome snowflakes!

I really want to see your planner. Mine is not working well for me .. .
