Okay, this will be fun! I am looking forward to getting to 'know' you all better!
My name is Michelle. I am almost 43 years old. I am daughter to the King, wife to a Godly man, Mama to nine precious blessings, Mimi to one sweet grandson, and home school mama. I have many, many other interests, but these are my favorite!
I am married to my best friend ever! We have so much fun together, we laugh at and with each other and can be rather silly, as you will see from a picture down the page. We do everything together. We have been through lots of difficult times during the 20+ years we have been married and feel only closer and more intimate because of them. We pray together everyday. We love to share the Word of God with each other, and if we are having our quiet time in the same room we find it difficult to keep quiet as we can hardly wait to share what the Lord is showing us. Okay, I have a harder time with this than he does.
We work, play and serve together, all of us. Family night around here might be a trip to Costco or snuggled up to a Christy video munching on popcorn.
See, I told we could be crazy. We are way to serious, but every now and again we do something so silly and have the kids roaring with laughter. I recently lost a significant amount of weight and my dear husband was giving airplane rides and invited me along. I was laughing so hard! The kids were laughing harder. You should have heard the squeals, from me and them.
It might interest you to know that just this morning, in the middle of bread baking and painting the house trim we had a wedding at our home! If you look closely you can see my third son painting above the garage, he was much too busy to attend the wedding today. I was the only guest, tissues in hand. We did have a minor accident when one daughter stepped on the other while trying to catch the bouquet. No blood though.
Random things about me:
I have been pregnant or breastfeeding 17 1/4 years of the last 22!
I have five precious babies in heaven
I live in a 1248 sq. ft. home ( 10 of us!)
I love to bake bread. Especially when it turns out like it did today!
I love to learn new things.
I have struggled with health issues for over five years, and the Lord has broken a lot of 'me' during it.
I used to think leading bible studies or writing a book was where IT's at.
Only in the past few years am I finally getting a grasp on the fact that being a mama is where IT is at! (and I want to shout it from the rooftops!)
I hate correcting school work!
I love to encourage others
I love candles (smelly, yummy candles)
I have an Italian stove-top espresso maker that I use frequently for hubby and I
I have an Italian stove-top espresso maker that I use frequently for hubby and I
I enjoy a triple latte w/ extra shot, no syrup please
I drink raw milk
I love to scour out my sink and clean my stove, but rarely get to do it
I LOVE my quiet time with God
In storage, I have boxes of old quiet time journals
I love to throw things away!
I drink Black Currant Tea every single day!
I love the beach, really, really love the beach. (Many family vacations on Lake Michigan)
I want twin girls really badly!
I spend every single sunny day in the summer by the pool with the kids. (has to be sunny or I won't go out!)
I hope you have enjoyed this random glimpse into my world. Have a lovely day!!
Come meet other wonderful ladies At the Well
Come meet other wonderful ladies At the Well
Great to know more about you! God has blessed you and your family!
Cute children and congrats on being together for over 20 ..that is an accomplishment in itself!
i enjoyed this :) boy i wish my bread looked like yours!
Hi Michelle, Remember me from Truthful Tidbits?
I didn't join in At the Well Today, but I have been reading them all and commenting.
I liked you from the first time I went to the well. You just seem so dear and so real.
I loved this post with all of these fun things about you. I especially liked the silliness and the picture of you and your husband playing.
Congratulations on losing the weight. My husband and I are planning on doing that together soon. We have already cut back a little, but we are going to get serious soon.
Your bread looked so yummy. I have never really made bread, except for a couple of times in my 33 years of marriage. But I sure love homemade bread when others make it. My daughter Lynnette has done it for years.
I like your "Bigs", and your "Middles" and your "Littles"! That's a cute way to put it. Chilkdren are such blessings. I had three daughters and 14 grandchildren, but 3 of them are in heaven,...(with your 5)
Joy just oozes from you. I am so glad that I met you in blog-land.
I look forward to futher visits to "She Looketh Well".
Maybe you can visit my blog soon. Today I posted a poem.
It was great to get to know you!
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