Monday, March 1, 2010

Who Is Master of Your Life?

Who is master of your life? Who are you allowing to rule over you? Your job? Baggage from the past? Unforgiveness? Hatred? Anger? Unhappiness? Your children?
These are some of the wonderful questions Jenifer has asked us this week as we continue our study of "God, Who are You . . . " Please feel free to join in anytime!


Wow! What a great question. One I thought about for only a few seconds when I was so sure my answer was, Jesus! God! Right?

Well, generally. But as the day has gone on, I have continued to ponder this and I realized that maybe it wasn't God.

I started to realize that on a good day it was Jesus, but what about last week when I was overwhelmed with the fear that I was never going to get better? What about when I was so angry because nothing is changing? What about when I am swallowed up with hopelessness? What about when I push my agenda on my day and watch out to anyone in my way? What about when I doubt God is even leading me? What about when I just want to quit!? What about when I am rehearsing all the negative and difficult in my life?

Hmmmm, who is the master of my life in those moments? Not Jesus. Not my Father.

As a rule, yes, Jesus is Master and Lord over my life. I do live my life for Him and every circumstance and situation has been through His Almighty fingers before it has every been allowed into my life. But, if I am being honest, which the Holy Spirit has been so gracious to point out ;-) there are moments when 'others' rule over me . . .fear . . .doubt . . . hopelessness . . .self . . .

Yes, there are real 'reasons' and 'excuses' for some of this behavior, real physical reasons, but I also believe that if God says to 'thank Him in/for all things' and 'to trust in the Lord with all your heart', He means it and He will provide a way for me live through these experiences in a God honoring way.

Lord Jesus, forgive me for allowing others to rule over me when you have set me free. I bow before Your Majesty and claim you Lord of all my life. Cause my heart and mind to line up with this truth. Convict me when fear or doubt tries to take the throne. Open my eyes to see. I love you, my Lord, I serve YOU! In Jesus precious name, Amen.


Peggy said...

Blessings Michelle...WOW!!! This really touched me! Such honesty...
that's where I was. Why couldn't I respond like this? Thank you.

This is so inspirational! I was moved...yes, tears. I have been so blessed and this is so beautiful.
We are needing and going deeper.

...and I say AMEN to that prayer.

Lord, ADONAI, forgive me.

Unknown said...

I have to say I agree with everything Peggy said. I was basically going to write the same things.

Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog. When i read your comment I cried. Thank you for the prayers for my family, I truly appreciate them and I too am praying for you.

Thank you so much. Have a blessed week

Anonymous said...

Very well said Michelle! I feel the very same way in the circumstances of my life. I love your honesty is sharing. I prayed the prayer at the end in earnest. Thanks for the post!