Monday, February 15, 2010

Precious In His Sight

I hope you have taken the time to check out the Bible Study called,
God...who are You & what can You do for me?


Please know that you don't need to have been there the first week or be able to do all of the weeks. Just do what you can, even a week here or there. It is free and you can download the bible study and do it in your own quiet time.

Today's discussion questions are as follows.

1. What does it mean to you to know that you are precious in God's sight?
2. Can you think of a time in your life when you've experienced, firsthand, the LORD's faithfulness? Share your thoughts.

What does it mean to you to know that you are precious in God's sight?

This can simply overwhelm me! To know that the God Who created the universe cares for and loves me literally blows my mind. I think I only become more and more in awe of this truth as I see His very hands all over my life. There are times when I am brought to a heap in tears when He speaks to my heart or is so patient with me. I am humbled and bow my head and mutter, "Your love for me is too wonderful."

It has really only been in the past couple of years that I think I am coming to grasp with this most amazing concept. Years of trying so hard to please Him and just 'do it right'. I think it was about four years ago now that I was doing a bible study and something, I don't remember what, flipped that switch for me and I was struck to my very core with the revelation of His love for me and that I was truly precious in His sight! I will never forget that feeling and how that has changed how I see everything. It's not that I don't still fall into the performance trap from time to time, but He is faithful to remind me of this truth.

Can you think of a time in your life when you've experienced, firsthand, the LORD's faithfulness?

Oh my, there are so many that come to my mind. Many unique and obvious displays of His faithfulness. The one I feel led to share might be considered a strange one, but it is His faithfulness to disciple me. I am learning to cherish His faithfulness as He deals with me by discipling and correcting me. My "verse" for this season of my life would have to be Job 5:17-18

"Blessed is the man whom God corrects;
so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.

For He wounds, but He also binds up;
He injures, but His hands also heal.

I find it easy and all 'ooey gooey feel good' when I can marvel at and praise Him for His faithfulness when He delivers me or does something the way I want it done. But, I am finding it extremely difficult to express the same praise when He disciplines and corrects me!
I am reminded that Hebrews 12 says 'that He disciplines us for our certain good, to become sharers in His holiness'. And that, 'no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.' So, I need to endure hardship as discipline, He is doing it BECAUSE He is faithful and loves me!
So, of the many things I could choose to write about His faithfulness, I choose His discipline, knowing that He does so because He loves me and I am His own.


Ashley Wells said...


Great thoughts. It is so easy to fall into the trap of doing all the right things. I know too well!

Thanks for sharing today!


Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

Hi Michelle and thanks so much for your lovely comments on my blog.

I totally get what you mean when you talk about God's discipline and this is a great example of His faithfulness to us.

Love Collette xxxx

Jenifer said...

Michelle, boy do I know the performance trap all too well! Like you, coming to understand that I was/am precious in His sight and that He loves me unconditionally revealed a whole new world to me.

I've never thought about faithfulness and discipline going together, but it does make so much sense. Because He loves us, He is faithful to discipline us, molding us and refining us and making us into the women He created us to be. Thank you for shedding new light on this for me!!!

Praying for you this week as you dig into His Word seeking to know Him more.

Be sure to email any questions or comments you might have by Friday, Feb. 19th to


By His Grace,

Blessed Among Women said...

I'm glad to be on this journey with you! I think I am just starting to grasp God's love for me,it's so big! Thank you for your comment!! BTW-Your family is beautiful!