Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Train Has Crashed!

For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. (1 Corinthians 11:8-9)

These verses have convicted me lately. On a good day, they can sound all romantic and flowery. But on a day when I think that I have a better idea, it is not so pretty. Trust me.

A very dear and Godly woman shared that marriage was not about me on my own train, Brian on his, the both of us side by side on the tracks of life riding off into the sunset happily ever after. Not so! Once I married Brian, my train had actually crashed! I was now on his train. . . to read the ‘rest of the story’, head on over to “At The Well”.


Cranberry Morning said...

That is a good point, and so difficult for today's woman who was raised to be her own engine!

Linda said...

Good Post Michelle!

Corri Beth said...

I really enjoyed this post. Some of us ;) have a hard time with this in certain situations, and it is good to have a reminder that the husband is the head of the house. We should also do well to support him all we can, not just submit, because sometimes it can be a burden to him to try to make the decisions he thinks is best for the family, especially if something "goes wrong."

Rebecca said...

I'm a visiting here for the first time. How wonderful that your current post was the blessing that I SO needed today!! Thanks!!

Kati Potratz said...

Needed to hear this today.

busymomof10 said...

I read your post At the Well back when you posted it . . . but never commented, even though it has been on my mind. It was a great post and I loved your train analogy. And yet, some of those issues are hard. Especially the BC -- what if the wife is really convicted that it is a sin and her husband is not -- of course she can't really go against his wishes, so I guess all she can do is pray for God to change his heart?? This is not an issue I am facing, since as you know we have ten youngins! :) (or chitlins' as I sometimes call them when I'm being silly!) :) Anyway, I just wondered if you might sometime write a post about hoow a godly wife would handle these big issues when she and her hubby are not on the same page. Thanks! Love your girl! ~Elizabeth