Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year!  Can you believe it is 2012 already.  I have been meditating on what the Lord has done this past year and I stand in awe!  I feel, more than ever, that time has flown by.  I have decided that MY year only had eight months in it.  That’s why it was so busy.  A lot got packed into eight months!  You know, January, February, March, April, May, June, July and Augember.  That is what I call the time frame between August and December, Augember.  It was one giant blur!

I looked back to see what my ‘scripture’ for the year 2011 was and just smiled when I realized it was EXACTLY the perfect scripture for our year.  Go back and read it, very encouraging.  This year, more than ever, has been a “clear cut exhibition of God’s capable care”.


Read Ann’s life changing book, One Thousand Gifts . . .

Our firstborn “Came Home”!!!

I reached my first “1000 gifts”

Started my “I Believes”

Dealt with Guilt and Shame and learned some deep lessons on Peace

Dumped a ton of “Performance” and “Drivenness”

Celebrated One Year of Healing!!

Got free from the “Never Good Enough Syndrome” 

Exposed Rejection and and saw how it manifests.

So, this year I read a life changing book and listened to a life changing, paradigm shifting message.

The end of July is when the obsession  passion began with find treasures to {re}imagine that would later grow into a wonderful business, much to my surprise.

We were blessed with a precious new grandbaby!  And spent lots of time enjoying her.

And that, my friends it where it all turned into a blur.  The Lord has blessed us and given us so much favor with this furniture business.  But, like most things, there is another side.  The ‘success’ of this business sort of sent me into a tailspin as deep self-doubt, fear, insecurity, lack of trust, fear, fear and more fear began to rise to the surface.

Amidst the crazy pace and extremely full plate I was battling these old enemies, and for a time, didn’t even know I was in the battle. 

So many more wonderful deliverances, deep valleys, heart struggles.  Many beautiful memories and quite a few things I would like to forget. (which I will when I apply my new Scripture of the year, soon to be revealed Winking smile)

Happy New Year, Sister!


Mrs. White said...

Thank you for sharing your year with us! You are always inspiring and encouraging, whether through good and bad times!


Mrs. White

cooperkelly4 said...

what a great year wrapped up all in one post. Can't wait to hear your new scripture for the year!!!!

Coby said...

So encouraging! I can't wait to hear your new scripture!!!