Relentless Pursuit
The Year of Relentless Pursuit!
Okay, it is two words. Come on, did you really think I could do just ‘one’ word? You can read the last post if you wonder what in the world I am talking about.
I LOVE it! 2011 begins the relentless pursuit to redeem and reclaim each of the essential or foundational areas of my life. Relentless pursuit of the essentials!
My essentials?
Spiritual Essentials:
- Relentlessly pursue a consistent prayer time (in addition to my regular quiet time)
- Relentlessly pursue fasting 1-2 times a week
- Relentlessly pursue thankfulness
- Relentlessly pursue JOY (daily)
- Relentlessly pursue scripture memory
- Relentlessly pursue a quiet and gentle voice
Wifely Essentials:
- Relentlessly pursue ways to bless and honor Brian
- Relentlessly pursue submission
- Relentlessly pursue serving him
- Relentlessly pursue intimacy
Motherly Essentials:
- be PRESENT in each moment
- be fun, laugh, smile, play
- be gentle (reflect the Father’s love)
- be physical (hug and touch often)
- be consistent
Keeper of the Home Essentials:
- be disciplined with school
- persistent with schedule
- inspect, inspect and inspect
- hold children accountable
- keep my heart at home
- restore structure to our day
Physical Essentials:
- early to bed, early to rise
- back to more nutritious eating
- gently ease into exercising (not obsessing)
As you can see, these really are the basics, the essentials, that should be in place before we are running off playing or serving others. Having been sick for so long and delivered of so much junk, I am relearning who I am and how to do even the basics! If I don’t relentlessly pursue them I will follow the path of least resistance. I have learned over the years to not make this into some type of ‘works’ mentality. While these are the things I will relentlessly pursue, I will do so in His grace, with His leading and with His strength. (not going down ‘that’ road again)
Both Brian and I feel like this is the year to ‘get our home in order’. Perfectly? No, we know better but getting on top of life just a little bit. Like a dear lady recently said, “thriving instead of just surviving”
There you have it. Relentless Pursuit. Don’t you think it is perfect? Brian had suggested the word ‘persistence’ yesterday, and while it seemed nice enough, it was just to ‘steady’ for this radical woman. We laugh, now, as we see that ‘relentless’ is the word ‘persistence’ with teeth!
What about you? What is your word or words? Do you have hopes or dreams for the coming year? Please share!
May the God of hope fill you all joy and peace, in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.