Just nursed my baby for possibly the last time. (sigh) I feel so sad. I think I have enjoyed nursing this baby the most, simply because I'm really beginning to see what a privilege and honor it is to be a mama.
I am learning, twenty-one years into this, to cherish every moment, every detail.
People always say how fast it goes by and to enjoy it while you can, and frankly when you are knee deep in diapers, haven't slept in days and can't find the living room floor, you sort of secretly think, 'good!' But we miss so much!
There are so many precious gifts in the every day with each child. God desires to make us joyful mothers. I really believe that joy, at least in part, comes from taking the time to soak up and cherish the precious moments of our lives. I don't mean just the grand, momentous happenings, like births and big milestones. I am talking about the everyday blessings. The beauty in the day-to-day things we do and see as mamas.
I want to remember
~a nursing baby's milky grin
~the quiet, night-time feedings
~the sweet smell of a baby's breath
~their silk-like skin
I want to cherish each and every diaper change when I get a glimpse of those sweet baby bunners!
The giggles, the tears, the hugs, and oh, may I always soak up those sweet kisses!
Life seems to fly by so fast. Before we know it they have grown so much. It is hard not to have regrets over what feels like 'lost years' when you don't even think to stop and notice the blessings all around you. But no more, by the grace of God! My aim is to not take these precious children for granted! I pray for open eyes to see the beauty in each child each and every day!
What about you? Are you taking the time to cherish these gifts? I am not just talking about babies here, our bigs need us too! There is so much to cherish with each of our children, regardless of their age.
He makes the barren woman to be a homemaker and a joyful mother of children. Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)
(Psalm 113:9)
This was such a sweet post. I only had 2, but I was "older" when I had them. With my second one, I was 36, and old enough to know that the time was fleeting, that I probably would not have another, and that the dishes could wait. I wanted to hold and rock him just as much as I could. Glad I did.
What a great post. I too have been praying for the quuietness of spirit and the peace at heart to be able to "see" the little things in each day. The smiles, the tears, the questions. All of these are things I want to remember and take the time to enjoy.
Thanks again for some thought provoking ideas and the reminder of things important.
Those times spent nursing a baby are so precious! I miss that! My Baby is 4, going on 14, and she is the "caboose" over here! I do miss thse precious, quiet moments nursing a baby, with milk dribbling down their little chins! I always loved it when they fell asleep at the breast and continued sucking in their sleep! Babies are wonderful! But, like you said, in the BUSYNESS of the time, you don't often enjoy every moment as you should, and before you know it, they are grown up.
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