Thursday, September 30, 2010

Planning the School Year

My mother blessed me and took all the children for the whole day so I could plan our school year. The Lord truly blessed my time. I got so much accomplished. I started with a large decaf latte with an extra shot, a water bottle, computer, copy machine and a table full of books and binders! When I would get 'stuck' on something I would pray and He would lead. I did dip into the chocolate a little at one point though, to help the thinking. (wink, wink)

This year is a 'light' year, it seems. I only have five students and a toddler. Seems doable, really, Michelle, it does. Sorry, just encouraging myself. I am kidding. I truly am looking forward to this school year. I did not get to do the school year I had planned last year because I got sick before I could even start. It feels like a privilege to get to do school, which it should, by the way, because it is!

Here is what I have lined up for each child.

Victoria 9th grade

Algebra 1

American Literature

Easy Grammar

Apologia General Science

Sonlight 7 American History

Evangelism 101

Copy Work

Spelling Wisdom


Isaiah 7th grade

Algebra 1/2

Learning Language Arts Through Literature

Easy Grammar

Apologia General Science

Sonlight 7 American History

Copy Work

Spelling Wisdom


Sarah Grace 4th grade

Abeka Math

Learning Language Arts Through Literature

Italic Handwriting

American History (reading list)


Isabella and Josiah (grades ??)

Rod and Staff Phonics

Rod and Staff Reading

Abeka Math

American History with Sarah Grace

I am working out the 'bugs' with the schedule. I highly recommend Managers of Their Homes. I discovered it years ago and it changed my life, really!

We will be starting our day with:

Morning Circle Time

Prayer, Bible Lesson, Hymn, Scripture memory and Gratitude Journals

From there we, in theory, flow in and out of subjects, each of us having something to do at each half hour block. Maybe when I get it typed up I will try to post it.

Please feel free to ask any questions about what we are using or what our day looks like.


Unknown said...

It looks like you have a good handle on your school year.:)

Cranberry Morning said...

For the many, many years we homeschooled, planning was always such a fun part of it!! I loved making the scope and sequence chart, daily and weekly lesson plans, assignment sheets,etc. and collecting all the books to go with them.

What a fun time of year! :-)

Kati Potratz said...

I don't even know where to start with the questions about homeschooling, but in a few years if we DO homeschool, I will likely have LOTS of them coming at you! :) Sounds fun. I like the circle time part.

Girl Invisible said...

Thank you for the encouragement!! I am a mom to 6, homeschooling 2 of them. Sometimes I wonder in my head if I am just truly insane, so your post gives me so much encouragtment. Thank you and best wishes for your school year - may He give you the peace, strength and wisdom you need every moment.

His bondservant said...

Mom's are great aren't they? My Mom is always finding ways to help me out! I am so glad you had this time to plan and pray. I will be looking forward to more glimpses into your school year. It is always an encouragement to see how other homeschooling mothers plan their days. God bless you and your family!