I was given a Busy Mom's Bible (actually two, by mistake) to review. I would love to give these away to someone who could use them. As pretty as it is, brown and pink! I really won't use it as I am madly and passionately in love with my Amplified bible.
My review:
First of all, it is very pretty! I love brown and pink. It has a nice 'feel' if you are picky about these things as I am and know what I am talking about. ;-)

I am sure the little devotional that are placed sporadically throughout the bible would come in handy for someone just wanting to flip open their bible and find something to meditate on. I don't think I would personally use them much as I already have a set routine with my devotions.
I was not thrilled with some of the topics in these devotional sections, but I know that working women, carpooling moms, blended families, ect. are a reality that can't be ignored. I am not judging women for these things, I just don't know if I like it smattered throughout my bible. I would rather see more devotions encouraging women to be keepers at home and to love their husbands and children. I am not saying these thoughts might not be conveyed in here, I am just saying they weren't the focus.
Regardless, besides these sections it is just a really nice NIV pink and brown bible. I don't know that I would choose it because it's the "Busy Mom's Bible", but it is very nice. I personally choose a bible on my version preference and pretty color (can't help it, I like a pretty book).
So, if you would like one of these bibles, or know of someone who could use one, please leave me a comment and I will draw two winners and send them right out to you, free! I will draw on
Saturday morning!
Saturday morning!
I would love this Bible!
Pete also has an intense love for his amplified! He has read that version since just about the time he got saved in 1978! My personal preference right now is New King James...and who could give up their old bible? Mine is so full of my own personal notes I couldn't bare to change! I hope someone out there has a need that you so graciously are providing!
I would almost like to give it a try for several reasons. I really don't know how to study a Bible and would almost like the idea of opening it up and just read what fell open. I am the busy mom but not the blended family or single parent BUT with three teenagers (almost all in high school) I am struggling for time in my day for devotions. When I stayed at home the church I attend told me that the Bible studies were for the unchurched ladies in the community and I could not attend though I could take care of the children. I have only once in my life attended a Bible study and then we moved away (early in our marriage). I don't know how to find God.
I think I would like the Bible. I have 4 boys and rarely even see pink.
Oh Alice, I am so sorry you have not been able to be involved in a bible study. And even more sorry that a church turned you away, yet would allow you to watch the children. (I won't get on my soapbox on this one ;-)
If I can assist you in any way to help you 'find God', I would love to. I will add you to my prayer journal, as it is the Holy Spirit that draws us and reveals Christ.
I am taking part of a bible study called "God, who are you and what can you do for me". It is at a website that I write for once a month called "At the well, in pursuit of Titus 2" You can join anytime, Jenifer has a wonderful downloadable and the printable weekly bible study that is so GOOD! It is on the names of God. Each week you study a name of God and each day you look up scripture and answer questions. It is something you could just go print up the pages and do on your own, and/or watch her little video each week. There is no pressure, just do what you want with it. I have printed up a copy for my daughter to do as part of her school because it is so good. Please feel free to check it out and ask me any questions you might have about it. Will you at least check it out??
Just plug this address in and go check it out.
Praying for you!
Hello Michelle,
I've been reading your blog for some time now, although never comment. I was especially touched by two posts....the one about your miscarriage, and the one about your daughter suffering with itching. I have a nephew (Ryan) who suffers in much the same way...he's 14 now and I could write a book on what he's gone through!
My hope for the Bible is actually for my sister, mother of 7 children, including Ryan. She is a VERY busy mom! And, much to her dismay, she has been forced to work part-time for the last year and a half.
I, too, love the Amplified Bible...it is currently my devotional Bible. My son gave it to me the Christmas of '08 after my Revised Standard (a gift from my parents 25 years ago!) fell out of its binding.(!) I still read it (love my old 'growing up in the Lord' notes!), but am truly loving the Amp. translation...brings a new light to so many scriptures!
I will sign with my blog username, although I haven't posted in FOREVER. I appreciate your heart and sweet spirit. Bless you!
Hi Michelle,
I would love a new Bible. Mine is highlighted and marked. I'd love a fresh new look.
I would love to win a Bible! My KJV one is starting to fall apart and I have really started liking my daughters NIV Bible!
Thank you!
I would love this just to have on hand and what girl can resist pink and brown (two of my favorite colors together!) thanks for your blog it is so encouraging and inspiring. Kelly
I would love this Bible for my granddaughter who has just started to attend church. She doesn't have a Bible and is using mine for now and we can not afford one for her. Thank you and God Bless!
I would love to give this bible to a good friend. She is a very busy mom of two young boys. Or maybe just for me . . . I am not a mom yet- but I am really trying to enjoy being a wife until the time is right. It would be nice to have some insights.
I would love this for my friend who is very close to turning her life around for christ. She's just started attending church, has three kids and is absolutely obsessed with pink!
Would so love to be able to give her her first bible...and have it be pink. ;)
wow! best giveaway i have seen yet, the word!! you are a very encouraging woman, truthful, kind, and intellegent...i believe you make your Father proud!
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