Monday, February 7, 2011

Large Family Logistics–Give Away!

I was very blessed by Vision Forum to be given the book, Large Family Logistics, to review and give away.

large family

I was very excited to get this book as I am always looking for ways to manage this house better. To learn and glean all I can.

This book did not disappoint! It is chock full of great, practical ideas from everything from laundry to taking care of mama. Many of the ideas I already do or have begun to implement.

I have to say that if you are a mama who was not brought up with a mama who trained you in ‘all things home management’, you will probably benefit from this book!

If you are a mama to many, this book will probably bless your socks off.

You don’t have to have a large family to benefit from the wonderful ideas in this book!

I can only have hoped to have such a ‘manual’ when I first started out. The Lord has faithfully trained me, but oh, to have had a head start. Hopefully, my daughters will not even need such a book, but many of us were not raised the way we are trying to raise our daughters.

I am going to make you ‘work a little’ to get your name in the drawing. Winking smile

  1. I am asking you to write a post either sharing of your great tips to managing your home or your greatest struggle.
  2. Link back to this post in your post, mentioning the give away.
  3. Come back here and let me know you have done so and maybe mention the subject of your tip or struggle. This way, maybe we can help each other!

I will be drawing the winner February 12, 2011.


Mrs. Stam said...

What a great giveaway!!! here is a post that I wrote not long ago

being organize and get it all done with 3 little one, and learning on the go (I was not taught any homemaking skills, education was valued in my family more then anything else)

I have so much to learn and this book sounds lovely!

Mrs. Stam said...

I share this over here!/pages/The-Growing-Stam-Family/173998122629284

Coby said...

Hi Michelle! I just wrote a post sharing my greatest struggle: clutter! It just seems like an insurmountable obstacle at times! Like Mrs. Stam, getting a college degree and entering the workforce was a huge focus in my home, not homemaking skills. No one ever expected me to be domestic! ;-)

The link to my blog post is:

Kathy - mom of many said...

Well, it took me a while but I finally put my thoughts on my biggest struggle to paper, er, blog. Here is my post...
I'm hoping to win that book :)

cooperkelly4 said...

Here's my post too!