Thursday, September 24, 2009

Surrender = Contentment

The Lord has been revealing to me many “little foxes that spoil the vineyard.” There have been many, but this doesn't discourage me a bit, because He is graciously showing me that all these “little foxes” have been robbing me of the joy, peace, and rest I have desperately sought after for years.
They all seem to have some common ground.




This has to do with being content in this moment. Being fully present and content with what He has given me right here, right now. Being content with whatever it is he has ordained for this very moment.

Below is a quote from Jeanne Guyon from her autobiography.

While the soul faithfully gives itself up to Providence, it will do all things right and well, and will have everything it needs without its own care, because God, in whom it confides, will make it every moment do what He requires, and will furnish it for the proper occasions. . . But why is it such souls commit any faults? Because they are not faithful in giving themselves up to the present moment. Often too eagerly bent on something, or wanting to be over-faithful, they slide into many faults, which they can neither see nor avoid. . . so many troubles in life come from the soul not abiding it its place, and not being content with the order of God and what is afforded in it from moment to moment. If men rightly knew this secret, they would all be fully content and satisfied . . . But alas! Instead of being content with what they have, they are always wishing for what they do not have . . . It is because the man who is not content with what he has, will never be without craving desires, and he who is the prey of an unsatisfied desire, can never be content. . .but he who rests in the divine will is infinitely more content and glorifies God more.
(emphasis mine)

Maybe it is weakness, physical or spiritual, it matters not. Can I just surrender to Him in this moment, see this as from His hand and just be content in it, instead of fighting against it?

Can I get to the point where I just can sink down into His blessed will in that moment? To stop and praise Him in all things, knowing He is my wise and loving Father?

. . . Always wishing for what they do not have – Ouch! How often is this case with me? Always wishing for health, more strength (doesn't He give the amount of strength I need for His will?), to be gentler, a better mama, more holy. It’s never good enough. I always want more.

There's no peace and rest in that. If I could be thankful and content with right where He has me, trusting I'm the mama He has made me to be right here, right now in this moment of time.

Can it be that I am at the exact level of holiness because it is where He has me right now, in this moment?! I can't be any more, “fill in the blank” by my own striving. Yes, I obey and seek Him, but I can't do anything in and of myself to produce this fruit, only He can.

Only as I abide in Him – rest in Him – be content in Him.

What would it look like if I went through my day being content, just really accepting who I am, where He has me spiritually and physically, what kind of mama I am, accepting what the house looks like? Seeing His hand in everything—meaning if I am sick, it’s by His hand, I can rest and trust Him in it. If I am not as joyful as “I” think I should be, then I can look to Him and accept this is the level of joy He has given me in this moment.

She who rest in the divine will is infinitely more content.

For me, surrender equals contentment. I need to surrender to Him, His will every moment. Surrender my ideas of how things should be. Surrender my desires for His. When I really surrender, contentment fills my heart.



Connie said...

Am so thankful for his contentment in the middle of all we need to learn.

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

I have had a really rough day and can beat myself up over it. This really spoke to me. Thank you. I am who I am right now. God will change me in His time. My job is to surrender, be content and know that I will be sanctified even more in due time.