I am learning to be thankful for the long delays in answer to prayer.
The silent years of waiting.
The gut wrenching moments that almost leave one in despair.
I am thankful for all the tears shed over the desires of the heart that appear to go unfulfilled.
-They bring me to my face at the feet of my Lord
-They cause my wandering heart to cling desperately
-Somewhere in the middle of all of it, I realize it is not all about me
-My desires and prayers are purified in these waiting times
-I learn to pray, to trust and grow in faith
And when those deep longings are finally fulfilled, the joy and thankfulness that overwhelms my entire being cannot be matched!
I find myself right back where I started, at His feet, in praise and adoration!
It is a joy that is so deep and profound that can only be experienced because of the "waiting time."
The desires that might have started out as something you almost thought you had coming to you now feel like a giant gift you humbly receive from your merciful and gracious Father.
Weeping may endure for a night,
but joy comes in the morning. . .You have turned my mourning into dancing for me;
You have put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness,
To the end that my tongue and my heart and everything glorious within me may sing praise to You and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever!!
Find more reasons to praise our God and be thankful over at Laurie's.
Beautiful post today over at Thankful Thursday. What a beautiful grateful heart I see in you! Happy TT, Laurie
So true! Those times of waiting define our faith - we learn a lot about ourselves. Am so glad for His promises to which we can cling - our life lines!
Such a lovely, heart felt post.
I learned so much in waiting...oh, how precious that time is and what courage is built drawing from the Lord during such times...Beautiful post. Happy Thankful Thursday!
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