Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Power of Encouragement

Yesterday around 4:30, as I was scrambling to get the last things painted for our big ‘shop the barn’ sale this weekend, I was growing weary.  Weary of the painting that I love.  Physically tired and achy.  It was cold and gloomy all day, I never quiet got warm enough in the garage.  My hand was so sore.

I put my head down and cried out to God.  I thanked Him for this opportunity and how I knew it was Him that was providing this, but that I was tired.  Tears began to slowly fall as I stood there with Him asking for strength to finish strong.  I wiped the tears away with the back of my very paint and wax covered hands and finished painting.

It was now after five and I needed to get dinner going.  As I was leaning over the sink scrubbing my hands I looked out and saw one of the many beautiful sunsets we get to see.  It had been completely cloudy and gray all day and now,  just peaking through was the most brilliant colors of pinks, purples and oranges!  It was one of those sunsets where everything else is all black and all you see is the brilliance of the sun between the horizon and the line of clouds.

I stood there almost breathless.  It was so beautiful, so invigorating.  I thanked Him, as He knows what His sunsets do to my heart!

Later that evening I found a sweet, encouraging note from a friend I didn’t even know I had!  She has read my blog and chose that day to send a word of encouragement.  Again, breathless and invigorating at the same time.  I cried, tears of weariness and tears of joy.  I thanked her.

This morning I awaken to a beautiful, even more encouraging note from this sweet sister all the way from Georgia.  How did she know the perfect words that would minister to so many corners of my heart?  Did she have any idea of what those words would do for my soul today?  I don’t know, but I do know that her time in typing that note was absolutely not wasted.  Actually, she was a vessel of mercy and love sent straight from my Father. 

My point in telling you all of this is to encourage you to encourage others.  When someone is on your heart and you have the opportunity to shoot a quick email, write a letter, give a quick call, do it!  You have no idea how it might bless that person.  You might never know, but I am pretty sure it will not be wasted!

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver(Proverbs 25:11)

Much love and hugs,


1 comment:

  1. My dear Michelle,

    I'm so grateful that God has encouraged
    you through the thoughtful, life-giving words of others!!

    You won't believe this, but that was the topic of my Nourishing November post for today -- how our words can either destroy and tear down or build uup and nourish others!!!

    I'm all about Encouraging Words! They make such a difference in our lives!!!!!

    I included a few verses from Proverbs, but one verse I chose to omit was the one you included on your blog today. It blessed me when I read it there though!

    I hope you will stop by and read my post today!

    Love you my dear, precious sister in Christ!!!



Thank you for leaving your lovely thoughts. God bless you.