Sunday, July 24, 2011

You Are Going To Love This!

I have met a really sweet woman, Jennifer, who shares a passion of mine, encouraging women!  She is doing three weeks of FREE webinars called, Morning Motivation! Daily Encouragement for Christian Wives! 

She has guest speakers lined up each day.  I have listened to some of them and they are so encouraging.  Only 15 minutes in length, but rich and encouraging.  If you simply cannot participate at the scheduled time you can listen to the archived messages.  I believe if you listen live you can ask questions and participate.

She has asked me to do one of the mornings, the date is yet to be scheduled.  I will let you know as soon as I know.

I plan on sharing testimony of some of the difficult things the Lord has brought me through, including severe Adrenal Exhaustion, loss of six babies and ten years of extremely difficult times!  Yes, I know I could never share ALL of that in just 15 minutes, we will see what the Lord has.

I would also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do a “Q and A”.  Perhaps there is something you have always wanted to ask about homemaking, schedules, chores, being a wife, being a mama, etc.  If you have read my blog for any length of time you know I pretty much wear my heart on my sleeve and I am not afraid to talk about ANYTHING!  Winking smile Please be thinking of question you might have and feel free to email me them or join in and ask them during the webinar.

Be sure to check out Jennifer’s Blog, Morning Motivation.  Remember, IT IS FREE!  Please go check it out!



Thank you for leaving your lovely thoughts. God bless you.