Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Are You Tired?

Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired as He was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour. (John 4:6)

This verse spoke volumes to me! Do you see it? Can you guess why it spoke to me? Right there in the middle of the verse it said that

'Jesus was tired from His journey'!

The Son of God was tired. Another version said He was wearied from His journey. This so struck me because I think the Lord has been trying to convince me that it is OKAY to be tired, weary or weak. I fight this with all I have. It's like I just can't accept that I get tired or weary from this journey. Like it is some sort of weakness that I need to root out! It is crazy, I know. Over and over I read the verse where Paul glories in his weakness. I know this makes sense and it true, but I just can't wrap my mind around it.

I felt as if the Lord was saying to me, if My Son was tired and weary from His journey, how much more might you be? Is it not prideful to think that somehow 'I' could escape this tiredness or weariness?

Just one more sweet and patient word from my Father that it is OKAY to be tired, to need rest, to be human for crying out loud!

Sweet Mama, the journey He has called you to is a precious one indeed. One that often times takes all you have physically, emotionally and spiritually. That is okay! He is aware of this and if you are weary or tired, just rest. It is okay. Your Shepherd is a good and gentle Shepherd. He never drives you too hard. Weary one, let Him hold you near to His breast, close your eyes and rest in Him.


  1. Michelle,
    You leave me smiling! Thank you for this encouragement! It is quite timely!

  2. I so needed to hear this! This is what I've been thinking about...exhaustion and pain. I am finding that if I don't rest, I am no good at all to my family. Thank you for the precious, encouraging words!

  3. ahhhhh! thank you for this post. I def needed to hear (read) this...if the Son of God can be tired...

    hehe my "verification word" is one letter short of's missing the "t"...interesting....


Thank you for leaving your lovely thoughts. God bless you.