Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Visit Me "At the Well"

Hi Ladies!!

First, let me say, "I miss you!!!"

Just peeking in to let you know that I have a post up over At the Well. It is entitled Powering Down. I hope you enjoy it.

I also want to share a little prayer I read today that was beautiful.

“All-loving Father, sometimes we have walked under starless skies that dripped darkness like drenching rain. We despaired of starshine or moonlight or sunrise. The sullen blackness gloomed above us as if it would last forever. And out of the dark there spoke no soothing voice to mend our broken hearts. We would gladly have welcomed some wild thunder peal to break the torturing stillness of that over-brooding night.

“But Thy winsome whisper of eternal love spoke more sweetly to our bruised and bleeding souls than any winds that breathe across Aeolian harps. It was Thy ’still small voice’ that spoke to us. We were listening and we heard. We looked and saw Thy face radiant with the light of love. And when we heard Thy voice and saw Thy face, new life came back to us as life comes back to withered blooms that drink the summer rain.”

"Be still and know that I am God"

Wishing you a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving! Reminding you to slow down, take time to be in His presence, be still and listen for that still small voice. Even in the possible busyness, keep your eyes and heart on Him, the Giver of all blessings in our lives!

At the Well Blog Button


  1. Michelle,

    Loved your article today at "the Well." Please know that I'm praying for you~ miss seeing you here!

  2. Oh, yes the internet can consume too much of our precious time when we have other priorities.
    I so hope you are feeling better and pray that you do soon.
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  3. Dear Michelle ~

    I visited you over at "The Well" and left a comment there. May the Lord continue His mighty work in you!



Thank you for leaving your lovely thoughts. God bless you.