Friday, April 19, 2013


People like me, we jump really high with our dreams, emotions and hopes.  But we also fall really hard.

Some people, the ones I thought I am supposed to be like, they sort of float somewhere in the middle.  They have good days and bad days, for sure, though they are rarely so far up in the clouds that they forget the law of gravity.  No, that’s reserved for people like me. We have super-great, amazing days and horrible days.

I used to hate that.  Why couldn’t I be like ‘those’ people.  You know, the calm, not overly excitable and not so emotional folks?  They seem to float through their day with ease.

Why?  Because God made me this way. Crazy, passionate, jump off the cliff, whole-hearted.  I’m either all in or I’m not.

Realizing this and embracing it was one of the first steps to peace with myself.  The next step is realizing all of life has balance to it.  You simply cannot live at one end of the spectrum every day, though I suspect I will try to figure out a way to do this before I die.  If you are a ‘high-jumper’, the coming down is always the hard part.  It needs to balance out.

Those other people, you know the ones I always tried to be?  They’re really not that different.  The have joys and sorrows too, they just don’t  hit the ground so hard that they need someone to peel them off the cement.  But neither do they often breathe the thin are at those at those high altitudes that make one all silly and giddy.

I am not at all saying one is better than the other.  God made both.  Us crazy-passionate people need you wise, level-headed, count-the-cost folks.  Someone has to remind us to breathe, to slow, to brace ourselves and to help peel us off the cement.

Just like you need us to challenge and encourage you to dream and jump, and take a chance.

What about you, are you a ‘high-jumper’?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Interview About Our Home Business

My dear friends, Gloria and Julia, The Resourceful Gals, asked me to do an interview about what it is like having started a family business.

You can read about it here,

Featured Resourceful Gal - Michelle!

It was a fun interview in which I shared my struggles, advice and heart.  Hope you are blessed by it.

Thanks, Gloria and Julia.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I am so excited to announce a new blog that I absolutely love! The two women behind this new blog have a special place in my heart.  I have the utmost of respect and love for these gals.  I wish I could convey to you how wonderful they are.

They have supported, encouraged and prayed for me many times.  The type of people you know that you know, would lay down their lives for you.

On top of that, the wealth of knowledge they possess between the two of them is mind boggling!!  They have decided to share this knowledge in the form of a blog and I am sure you will want to check it out.

Let me introduce you to my dear friends, Gloria and Julia, better known as the “Resourceful Gals”!!

We're a mom-and-daughter team that enjoys a wide variety of hobbies and crafts... and we're all about being resourceful. Saving money, time, effort, and energy is our goal. We've been blogging for years (Julia has been blogging since 2008) but just recently (March 2013) decided to combine our talents to share in one special place... and this blog was born!
Read a little more here
about Gloria & Julia.
A few of our favorite posts so far are....

Mason Jar Lamp Tutorial

The BEST Homemade Pizza EVER

DIY No-Sew Curtains

Simple Sprouting

Brunettes Bars

Homemade Soft Pretzels

See what I am saying???!!  Amazing.  Have fun, oh, and you’re welcome. Winking smile